Thursday, July 21, 2016

Welcome Letter 2016

It's back to school time! Well, not quite...we still have some summer left (phew!) but it IS that time of year when I start to get excited.

Now...don't get me wrong. I love my R&R time to recharge and, to be honest, I've been so busy this summer getting ready for our new little bean in December that I haven't really thought much about school at all! I think taking a little break is healthy and necessary to be a bright, energetic presence in our students' lives. 

Anyway, before we left for summer break we needed to submit our welcome letters for the following school year. I began teaching in 2011 and really hadn't done much to my welcome letter since then. Time to revamp! 

My original letter was in paragraph format and was geared more toward the parents. I included my philosophy of teaching, etc, etc, blah, blah. I realized that who I really should be writing to is the student! I gained some inspiration from browsing some examples online and came to this. 

I LOVED the idea of including a QR code into the letter to make it more engaging. I used the QR code for assessment scheduling, but it could be used to link to a class webpage, blog, video...the options are endless!

(Note: My main inspiration was from the fabulous Jodi at Fun in First. Take a look at the link to see her example and for instructions on how to insert a QR code into your letter!)

I hope this letter can help provide some ideas or inspiration!
 What do you include in your welcome letter? Is it geared toward parents, students, or a combination of both? I'd love to hear your input!